Christian Youth Theater of Lafayette, LA


Our first born, Callie, has always been interested in music, drama…well, the arts in general. So this semester when Christian Youth Theater (CYT), a national after-school theater arts training program for students ages 4 – 18, opened in our city of Lafayette, LA (it’s Louisiana’s first affiliate), Callie jumped at the chance.

Enrolled students have the opportunity to work behind the scenes, or audition and perform on stage in a Broadway-style musical performed for the community. The 70’s hit Godspell was chosen for this first year. Callie auditioned and was cast with about 25 other kids.

After many hours of rehearsal, the group’s accomplishments were: 3 performances to a packed house almost each time and heart-warming acting/singing for old and young alike. Our daughter was voted “Fastest Learner” by her cast mates and received the “Rose of Sharon” award for noteworthy Christ-like character from the staff and teachers. Additionally, Callie has been asked to join the teaching staff next semester for CYT’s next production. Mom and Dad couldn’t be prouder. Click here for the highlight video!

Godspell cast