Connect 2012 – please pray!

It is a BEAUTIFUL day in Belgium, an added grace to a very full day of preparations for the upcoming week. We will be joining other Students for Christ colleagues from across Europe for Connect ’12, a week-long event that focuses on TRAINING the 50 or so university students coming from 12 countries who are eager to see themselves and their university communities spiritually transformed. As this week is a critical time in the lives of these students, we would like to ask you to please pray:

  • that everyone in attendance will have a new revelation for God’s love and grace at work in their lives.
  • for physical protection while travelling to the conference center near Cologne, Germany, and during the week. Our son Christopher broke his arm at this conference last year. We’d really like to not have to go to the hospital again.
  • that the class instructors and evening speakers would be able to clearly communicate the messages that God has given them to share.
  • for clear understanding for the majority of the participants whose mother tongue is not English.
  • that all logistical, technical, and translation aspects would go very smoothly.
  • that this conference would have an eternal effect on each individual and their universities.
  • Thank you for your partnership and for praying for Connect! We will try update throughout the week on Twitter & Facebook as time allows (@BlairBBonin, @DinaBonin, #sfcConnect12, #sfceurope), and will send another email update when we return.

    We appreciate you!