partner with us

The generous sacrifices of people like you enable us to do what we do. Many people have given of themselves through prayer, finances, taking part in a missions trip, or serving alongside us for a year or longer.


First and foremost, we ask you to pray for us. Please take a few minutes to browse through our latest newsletters and the posts listed under the “prayer” category for current requests.


Opportunities for service abound in Belgium and other parts of Europe. If you are interested in joining our team by giving a year or two to overseas ministry, contact us for more information.

Give online

If you would like to make a financial contribution directly to our account via a secure internet connection, please visit our AGWM donation page by clicking on this link. (account # 254586)

For regular giving, please fill out this online commitment form which will help us know when our monthly budget requirements have been met.

Give through the mail

Or if you prefer, checks may be made out to Assemblies of God World Missions and mailed to

1445 Boonville Ave
Springfield, MO 65802

Please write account # 254586 in the memo line.

For regular monthly giving, please print and mail a signed monthly contribution form to the above address. This form is “interactive” and can be filled out on your computer before printing it.

For special/personal/Christmas offerings, please specify “09” account.

Thank you!