Meeting human need in times of war

Dear friends,
The last couple of weeks have been incredibly surreal. Never in our lifetime would we have thought we would see the disruption and displacement of people across the European continent that we are seeing today.

New ministry efforts are unfolding as we find ourselves positioned to help in whatever small ways that we can, by God’s grace.

We have been able to help one American-Ukrainian couple with a three-week-old baby escaping from Ukraine to find lodging in Poland at a fellow pastor’s home where they await official appointments and documents to travel to the USA.

Today we are taking into our home four Congolese students from our sister group “Students for Christ-Ukraine” who had to flee when the war started.

The refugee centers in Belgium are becoming quickly overwhelmed with thousands of displaced persons having already arrived, with no end in sight. The government is asking people to open their homes to refugees on a short-term basis to help house people.

Thanks for praying that we can continue to be Jesus’ hands extended to those in need while also being living witnesses of the Prince of Peace‘s power to transform lives from the inside out.

Blair, Dina and Josiah


After staying with our family for a few days, the students found another temporary housing situation in the city of Mons, where they would like to eventually study. Their long-term status here in Belgium is still unknown so thank you for your continued prayers for them and so many others in similar situations.