In 1993, we were invited by Roger and Lilly Myers to assist them in a church plant in the southern Belgium city of Arlon. Well, we did make it to Belgium, but we never ended up in Arlon. By a divine turn of events, however, some of our own former SFCers (Students for Christ) have taken up the challenge!
Zor, Christian, Dave, and their wives, Stéphanie, Thérèse and Ruth, were leaders of SFC-Liège during this group’s early days. After graduation from university and securing jobs in Luxembourg (Belgium’s tiny southeastern neighbor), they decided to move to Arlon which borders Luxembourg. After seeing the great need and sensing the direction of the Lord, they are planting a new church there as bi-vocational pastors.
Please pray for the team and the church, Parole d’Espoir (Word of Hope), as they prepare for their kick-off Sunday celebration on June 19, 2011. The Bible enjoins us, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” The Luono, Fundu and Mulumba families are an answer to this prayer!
Follow them on Facebook: Eglise Parole de l’Espoir