The annual 24-hour bike race of Louvain-la-Neuve is tomorrow. The campus population will increase by about 40,000 or more, and it is known as the second-largest “beer event” in Europe. That little statistic will give you an idea of the atmosphere we’ll be dealing with as the sun goes down. What a great opportunity to be a Light in the darkness!
SFC students, along with students from other Christian groups, have been working hard getting this year’s bike ready, and as always, it it sure to make an impression. The theme is borrowed from a popular soft drink and will use the slogan, “Obey your thirst” to bring people into conversation about their spiritual thirst.
Here are some ways you can pray:
1. The weather! we woke up to a rainy Tuesday and hope that it clears up before the start of the race at 1 pm on Wednesday.
2. The team of riders and helpers – that there would be enough help to set up the tent and keep the bike going, and that everyone will be safe and protected. Also pray that this will be a positive experience for them as they step out of their comfort zone and take a stand for God in front of their peers.
3. For the people who will pass by our tent – that the Holy Spirit would speak to them, that spiritual seeds would be planted, watered and harvested – especially that last part. Pray that we would see lives changed!
4. For anything else that comes to mind.
Thank you for standing with us. We couldn’t do this without God and your prayers. We will be sure to update with pictures soon!