Missio Dei – on the receiving and sending ends

Students for Christ-Europe is active in God’s Mission (Missio Dei) on this continent both in terms of sending out and receiving workers for the Kingdom.

The first ever, organized and led missions trip from SFC-Europe was sent to Croatia. The team, composed of 17 workers and students from Norway, Germany, Slovenia and Belgium, contributed both a Christ-like dynamic and manual labor to a youth outreach project. Identifiable spiritual fruit was also apparent in lives of young Croats which gave the SFC missions team much joy.

photo: David Vogt
More great photos from the Croatia trip thanks to David of SFC-Germany.

One of Chi Alpha-Georgia’s “Reach Europe” teams was received by the SFC group here in Louvain-la-Neuve a few weeks ago. This occasioned one of the most successful short-term missions team endeavors in terms of an encouraging connection with the local SFC students and record numbers of first-time student visitors! On consecutive evenings, the team cooked a southern-themed meal for students who were in exam mode. The meals were an opportunity to discover SFC-Belgium as well as a cultural exchange with everything from Tex-Mex, barbecue, and even a “Grits, Eggs and Biscuits” night.

More interesting photos of the Georgia-Belgium collaboration.

A big thank you to the hosts in Croatia, the team from Georgia & Alabama, and to so many of you who have prayed for these outreaches. We appreciate you!