As I was walking on campus today, I came across a sticker on the window of a student’s room. It screamed, “NO GOD, NO STATE, NO LIES”. Today’s students often deplore the failure of institutionalized religion and national governments to match rhetoric with deed. As a result, anarchist sentiments spring forth like the ones proclaimed by this sticker. At a time when young people are in the prime of their lives, they are not finding the role models they need. That’s why we do what we do!
The Students for Christ-Europe team engages students in dialogue and creative ministry brainstorming from a biblical worldview while helping them strategize how to go back to their own mission fields of campuses & cities to reach students for Christ.
This task can be quite daunting in their own eyes, for as Jeff Fountain of the Schuman Centre for European Studies states,
“In many European schools and universities these days, believers in God are dismissed as mental dwarfs and intellectual wimps. Yet from ancient times right up to the present, many of history’s greatest and most influential minds have wrestled with the question of God. Reason and faith, they concluded, were complementary, not contradictory.”
Not only are we committed to training students, but through SFC-Europe, we also help to train nationals who are leading student ministry in their respective nations, like those from the staff in Belgium (photo). Additionally, training ourselves and other missionaries to impact our host cultures through an annual equipping conference is a parallel priority.
Mega thanks for assisting us in training others to influence individuals, families, institutions of higher education, nations and cultures. With God’s help, together we are making a difference in Europe!