The month of November was what we call in French, “très mouvementé” or in other words, “very eventful”. Blair trekked across northern Europe in train, taxi, bus, metro, plane and ferry. The collaborative contacts forged and the existing relationships strengthened appear favorable for student ministry development in those areas visited.
Three days later, it was down to the forested Ardennes region of Belgium to celebrate the inauguration of a new local church with former Students for Christ leaders who planted this new work.
The next Sunday morning Blair found himself speaking to a congregation in Luxembourg and that afternoon guiding a university ministry interest meeting there.
After a few days of regrouping, the Bonin household hosted colleagues who form the planning committee for next year’s Students for Christ summer training conference.
The time then arrived for Dina and Blair to get away and celebrate their 28th anniversary for a few days…destination Rome! (Thanks, RyanAir!) Now etched in our collective memory, we returned home to titillate our kids with historical trivia and tidbit experiences of the City of the Seven Hills.
Indeed, the past month has been full and December promises to continue the rhythm. But the whole gang will be here and we couldn’t be happier about celebrating this Christmas together!
In this very eventful season, here’s wishing you and yours, a very fulfilling anticipation of the celebration of Jesus’ historic arrival that changed the world forever.
la famille BONIN