Thursday is a school day for Blair in Leuven, Belgium as he works on a degree in Theology & Religious Studies. In between classes, he gets together with at least 5 other guys, sometimes more, who make their rounds of the finest affordable dining for students that the city has to offer. During these meal times, a topic of discussion is chosen and each person is allowed to offer his perspective on said topic: think debate group! These discussions are especially interesting given the varied backgrounds of the participants: in regards to spirituality – a sprinkling of atheists, evangelicals, a Roman Catholic, a pentecostal, a nominal Protestant; as to studies and life skills – a soldier, theologians, scientists, entrepreneurs, a mathematician, a missionary; by citizenship – Dutch, Belgian, American, French, Australian, Ukrainian…You can imagine the varying worldviews and perspectives on life, not to mention personal opinions. In it all, however, the Spirit of God is working, wooing, winning. At least that’s our take on it!
Here is the group last week at the Vocational Technical Culinary School. Fine dining indeed, a 3-course meal for only 7 euros ($10 US). The topic of discussion: “A moment in your life that created very high anxiety and how you dealt with it.”