You prayed with us — God answered!

Dear friends,

Our latest hard copy newsletter that we’ve just sent to the printer (attached below) highlights many ways that God answered specific prayer requests – requests that you’ve prayed for with us!

Thank you!

As we’ve traveled these last few months and were able to spend time with many of you again or for the first time, the Lord has reminded us how important your partnership is to what He’s called us to do here in Europe. None of this would happen without you, even the part about the heavy metal music festivals. 🙂 

Now that we’re back on the field, we are ever grateful for your support in finances, encouraging words, and especially prayer, and are looking forward to exciting things on the horizon as a new academic year begins.

There are other needs listed in our newsletter for which you can join us in prayer to make a difference here on this continent and beyond. Click on the image below to read it more clearly in your browser. 
Merci beaucoup, and yes, Jesus IS worth it all!

Blair, Dina and Josiah

**header image: View of the Meuse River, the Pont (Bridge) des Ardennes, and the Citadelle de Namur


New Student Ministry Center

After a long search, our Albanian colleagues in the capital city of Tirana have located a perfect property near two university campuses which will serve as a student church and ministry center. Several groups are joining together to help with this need. For our part, we are trying to raise approx $8500 to help cover some initial expenses as the Center gets established. 

If you would also like to help, you may give directly to our account HERE.  (Fill in the dollar amount, click “Advanced Giving Options” to see the Comments box, type “Albania Student Ministry Center,” and we will ensure that they get it.)

Thank you in advance for praying and for helping to plant student ministry in this Balkan nation.

For you shall go out with joy, and be led out with peace. The mountains and the hills will break out before you into singing; and all the trees of the fields will clap their hands.

Isaiah 55:12