recent visits to Bastogne & Ciney in Belgium

This Sunday we had an opportunity to visit a church in the town of Bastogne, in southern Belgium. Bastogne is known for its role in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II when it was completely surrounded but held strong in the midst of an attack. The Bridge is a relatively new church in the area with many new believers and currently meets in an elementary school. (see photo above)

Blair was invited to preach during the service, speaking on Imitating Jesus. Although The Bonin Band is ever-shrinking, David & Josiah shared a song they have been working on together. It was nice to meet many in the congregation who come from the region, even from the nearby country of Luxembourg.

Place McAuliffe, named after General “Nuts” McAuliffe

On Tuesday, Blair participated in a prayer meeting in Ciney, Belgium. Some of you may remember that our family lived here from 1997-1998, back when we only had daughters. 🙂 The local assembly that we helped to plant has gone through some difficulties over the years, but there has been a recent resurgence of interest and support to see a viable and active Pentecostal community here. It is exciting to see new things happening in this place that will always be dear to our hearts.

The iconic image of the Catholic church steeple of Ciney that many people here would recognize from the local beer label. The Centre Evangélique (A/G church) meets in a former commercial space only a few dozen meters away.

Thank you for praying for the cities of Bastogne & Ciney!